Celebrating 2023!
22 December 2023
Rangers Awarded 1st Club Changer Star
17 January 2024The Club are excited to launch a one-of-a-kind free football program for individuals who hold refugee or humanitarian visas. The Rangers were founded on the philosophy that ‘Football is for everyone’, we aim to provide opportunities for those from difficult backgrounds the opportunity to thrive in a football community.

What is the Rangers Refugee Football Program?
The Footscray United Rangers Football Club will in 2024, set aside funds each year to pay for playing fees associated with playing football. These include registration, players insurance and playing uniforms.
Who does this program apply to?
Any individual who holds a refugee or humanitarian visa is eligible for this program.
How do I apply for this program?
Email committee@rangersfootball.com.au outlining the following details:
– Your (or your childs name)
– Date of Birth
– Gender
– Your visa status
– Any other details about your experience as a refugee that could help us know more about
your situation.
How are recipients selected?
The Football Club will each year set aside as many funds as possible through fundraising ventures, to support as many people as possible through this program. Recipients will be selected by the clubs committee on a merit based selection criteria which includes the age of the applicant and their gender. The club will aim to support children and women in the first instance, with remaining places available for senior male applicants. The club will reply by email within 15 business days of your application to inform you of your outcome.
Why is there a selection process if I meet all of the criteria?
The club only has a limited number of funds to support this bursary, to ensure that we support those with the greatest need we hold a selection process to ensure this process is equitable.
What happens if I am a successful applicant?
The club will contact you by email to inform you of your applications success. Successful recipients and their families will be required to undertake a short interview about the program, and allow for the publication of their (or their childs image) in future marketing of this program.
Where can I get more information about the program?
Email committee@rangersfootball.com.au to ask for more information.
When do applications close?
There is no closing date for applications, visit our website under ‘Rangers Refugee Program’ for further details about availability.